The Meramec Valley R-III Board of Education has made the difficult decision to propose a tax levy increase on the August 8th ballot. This decision was not made lightly, and it came only after a two-year process in which the district identified and enacted nearly $2.5 million in cost-cutting efficiencies and reductions. Even with those savings, reduced state funding and major cost increases have forced the district to deficit spend each year and now, valued student programs, extra-curricular activities, and critical staffing is at-risk
MVR-III Superintendent, Dr. Carrie Schwierjohn shared, "The Board of Education and staff have spent the last two years working together to find reductions and efficiencies wherever possible within our district. But like most families and businesses, we are also experiencing the impacts of inflation. The rising costs of health insurance for our staff and increased costs of supplies and services have significantly exceeded our revenue. A tax levy increase is critical to our district's future."
It has been nearly 20 years since MVR-III proposed a tax increase and Missouri's educational foundation formula to fund schools has not increased in the last 4 years. Without the added revenue generated by Prop E, the Meramec Valley School District would face the following:
A reduction in student programs offered by the district:
ECP (Early College Program)
Elementary & Intermediate Intramurals
Extracurricular activities (band, choir, speech, sports, etc.)
Four Rivers Career Center participation
JAG (Jobs for America's Graduates) program grades 6-12
Continued workforce shortages among critical employee groups like bus drivers, special education paraprofessionals, custodians, and school food workers that threaten the district’s ability to provide essential services.
Inability to offer basic cost-of-living salary and benefit increases to all employees.
View the video for a brief explanation of the differences between school finance bonds and levies, and visit our PROP E webpage for more information.