summer school

Our goal is to provide students with the opportunity to advance in their credits towards graduation and to continue their development and preparation for next school year. As a reminder, our offerings during the summer include Athletic Development, Health (online), Personal Finance (online), Credit Recovery (in person), Band (July only). Many of our summer sessions and courses have variations to their formats so please see below for details of each specific course.

Athletic Development:  

  • Hours are from either 7:30-9:30 or 9:30-11:30

  • Lifting and conditioning occurs on M, W, F

  • Stretch and Recovery occurs on T, TR

  • This course runs in June and July but transportation is only available in June

  • Transportation only runs for our 7:30 drop off and our 11:30 pick up, students will either need to be picked up or dropped off at 9:30

  • Students wishing to earn .5 credits for this course will have the opportunity to fill out an opt-in form. They must complete 60 hours 

  • ​No Chromebook needed for this course

Health and/or Personal Finance:  

  • This course is only offered in June

  • Students must attend in person on the first day to receive a Chromebook and get logged into the Canvas course with their Instructor

  • This is a virtual course but students must show adequate progress and stay in communication with their instructor.

  • Failure to show progress and communicate with the instructor can result in being dropped from the course

  • ​Once a student is finished with the course they must come to the high school to drop off their device

  • Transportation only runs for our 7:30 drop off and our 11:30 pick up

Credit Recovery:  

  • This course is offered in June and July

  • Students may attend one or both sessions

  • Hours are from 7:30-11:30 everyday

  • Students will receive their Chromebooks on the first day of summer school

  • ​Students are required to attend each day until the course is complete

  • If a student misses more than 2 days they will be dropped from the course and can try again in July

  • If a student does not finish a course in June they can continue taking the course in July 

  • ​Students are only able to take one course at a time

  • When a student completes a course they are able to take an additional course or be completed with summer school

  • All course work will be done on-line but students must report in person

Summer School Reminders:

  • Session 1 Dates: Monday, June 3rd - Friday, June, 28th 

  • Session 2 Dates: July 8th - August 2nd

  • Hours: 7:30 am - 11:30 am

  • Breakfast & Lunches: Free for students

  • Be patient- buses may run early or late the first few days

  • Be aware of school buses loading/unloading in parking lots

Drop Off Procedures

If you are dropping your student off for Summer School please use the aisles/rows in the parking lot. Do not drop your student off in the loop in front of the school, that lane is reserved for buses. 

Pick Up Procedures:

​When picking students up in the afternoon, please use the same process as drop off, making sure to keep the lane in front of school clear of traffic.

​Reporting Location:

When students arrive on the first day we need all students to report to the cafeteria for a rules and expectations meeting.

Behavior Expectations:

Positive student behavior is expected of all students. Students that are not adhering to expectations will be sent to an administrator. Students who's conduct warrants a discipline infraction will be sent home for the remainder of that session and removed from their online course. We encourage parents to take the time to discuss these expectations with their child(ren) and stress the importance of responsible behavior.  Additionally, bus expectations are the same as a normal school year.

Attendance Matters:

Parents should report their child(ren)’s absence to the school office. Multiple absences may result in dismissal from the program.


  • Transportation is available for the June session only

  • ​High school routes will run for the 7:30 drop off and the 11:30 pick up times only

  • ​All regular transportation rules and regulations are in place during summer school

  • If you do not yet know your student's bus route or pickup time or have any other transportation questions, please contact transportation at 636-271-1470.